Rabu, 10 Juli 2013

TULISAN 5 , apakah 6 pilar tersebut sesuai dengan bangsa kita & jelaskan (bahasa inggris)

Oh obviously not, because our nation has not been able to understand the meaning of honesty and sense of the 6 pillars of our nation is not a nation that we are a nation of smart people who still want to be fooled by other nations.

TULISAN 4 , 6 pilar tersebut mana yang dapat di percaya dan alasan nya (bahasa inggris)

- The first pillar confidence (credible)
I think that trust is the most important thing in life and if we are able to work in trust by another person that person will love us because we are considered honest by him. and beliefs can also lead us into success in life

Peran koperasi terhadap usaha mikro kecil dan menengah (UMKM)

Dalam memberdayakan usaha mikro kecil dan menengah (UMKM), yang mengakibatkan meningkatnya setiap tahun kegitan UMKM di kalangan masyarakat, Banyak sekali masyarakat yang memiliki kreatifitas yang tidak terbatas untuk membuat suatu karya yang dapat menghasilkan materi namun biasanya para usahawan kecil itu memiliki keterbatasaan dalam penyedian dana sebagai modal. Modal merupakan salah satu unsur utama dalam menyelenggarakan kegiatan usahawan, dengan adanya modal yang cukup banyak atw besar, para usahawan dapat mengembangkan usahanya lebih besar lagi
Peran koprasi dalam penyelenggaraan UMKM adalah sebagai pnyedia modal dalam kegiatam UMKM. sejauh ini koprasi masih banyak diminat walawpun Dengan marak munculnya lembaga keuangan mikro seperti ventura, BPR dlsb.sebagaimana masyarakat tau lembaga lembaga tersebut menyediakan layanan jasa yang sangat mudah untuk digunakan dan diakses dalam jangka waktu pemrosesan yang singkat dan mudah. Oleh sebab itu peran koprasi sebagaimana kita tau, sumber dana koprasi bersumber dari kegiatan transaksi yang dilakukan oleh anggotanya dan segala kegiatan yang dialkukan oleh koprasi itu sendiri, salah satu contohnya dari kegiatan usaha mikro kecil dan menengah (UMKM). dari kentungan dalam menyediakan dana untuk UMKM inilah koprasi masih dapat bertahan dalam menjalankan semua kegiatanya.

TULISAN 2, 6 pilar karakter dan pendapat saya (bahasa inggris)


 Trustworthiness (trustworthy)

Examples like not break a promise to any person, speaks according to what we do, do not apply deceitful or lying to others.

2. Respect (having respect)

Examples such as not talking using harsh words against older people as well as those still under us, tolerate different beliefs, race, or ethnicity.

3. Responsibility (responsible)

For example, work on things that had been his duty. mahasisawa like that is already compulsory to learn, then we should do it because it has become kwwajiban as a student. pray 5 times that are required to be undertaken. and take full responsibility for what we have done.

4.Fairness (fair)
do not blame one person when the work is done simultaneously there was a mistake, do not take the rights of others, listening to others’ opinions and mempertimbangkan the discussion.
5. Caring (Care)
both to yourself and to others, caring for yourself, give concern for the environment, then surely the concern we are able to make other people happy, and do not expect a reply from any concern that we give, let God see and reply to each of our concern.
6.Citizenship (have a sense of social responsibility)
when participating were no events in our environment, such as mutual assistance, community service. establish good silaturami between neighbors, and protecting the environment
in my opinion
_ In my opinion the 6 pillars of character is very useful to guide one's life so that those who invest   the 6 pillars to be more in the discipline of duty and his daily life.

TULISAN 1 definisi karakter dan opini saya( bahasa inggris)

posts 1
1. Definition of the character according to the experts?

• According W.B. Saunders, (1977: 126) explains that the characters are real and distinct properties shown by individuals, a number of attributes that can be observed in individuals.
• wyne revealed that the character that marks how to focus on how to apply the value of kindness in the form of action or behavior. Therefore, a person who behaves dishonest, cruel or greedy character is said to be the ugly, while people who behave honestly, love helping people said to be of noble character. So the term is closely related to personality character (personality) a person.

1. Opinion on the definition of the character.

In my opinion, the definition of the character is very different from some experts on every penjelasanya. According W.B. Saunders character trait that is real, and can be observed by different individuals, which means that these characters can be shown on each person, because of the nature and character of every individual is the same and can be seen so that it can be said differently. Meanwhile, according to wyne, how to apply the value of a person's goodness in the form of action or behavior, because if someone was having a good attitude virtuous character, means the person has a noble character. Conversely, if a person who does not have good manners means can be said to be a person who has a good behavior.